
nctl scan terraform

Scan Command

Scan Terraform resources by validating them against custom policies.

nctl scan terraform -r <tfplan.json> -p <path to policies>

To scan a Terraform file using nctl, convert the Terraform file to its JSON equivalent using the following steps:

  1. Initialize Terraform:
terraform init
  1. Create Binary Terraform Plan:
 terraform plan -out tfplan.binary
  1. Convert Binary to JSON Payload:
terraform show -json tfplan.binary | jq > tfplan.json

Following the above steps, use the produced tfplan.json file to scan it against policies:

nctl scan terraform -r <tfplan.json> -p <path to policies>

Scan Options

Flag Shorthand Description
--file <string> mention the file name to store scan result
--audit-as-warn Report violations from policies as warnings instead of failures
--help -h help for json command
--insecure allow connection to an address with a self-signed or non-verifiable certificate (not recommended)
--output <string> -o choose the output format of scan result. Available options are: json, text,yaml and sarif with the default option being text
--policies <strings> -p specify path to policy files (local path, github URL, helm URL) to scan against custom policies
--publish Publish reports (default true)
--publish-token <string> scan reports publish token
--report-sourceid <string> Source ID used when publishing a report
--resources <strings> -r path to resource files (local path, github URL). scan specific resource files instead of all resources in a cluster, use this flag to point to a local path or gitHub URL containing the resource files
--scan-report <string> -u Output scan report file (in JSON format)
--token <string> Nirmata API Login Key (env NIRMATA_TOKEN)
--url <string> Nirmata server base URL (env NIRMATA_URL)