nctl uninstall operator

nctl uninstall operator

Uninstall Kyverno operator

nctl uninstall operator [flags]


      --crd-release string    release name for the operator crd helm chart (default "kyverno-operator-crd")
  -h, --help                  help for operator
      --kube-context string   the kube context from configured kubeconfig. Default is the current or sole context
      --kubeconfig string     kubeconfig path (defaults to $HOME/.kube/kubeconfig)
  -n, --namespace string      namespace in which the operator is deployed (default "nirmata-system")
      --release string        release name for the operator helm chart (default "kyverno-operator")
      --timeout duration      time to wait until the operation terminates (default 10m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --v Level   log level for V logs