
nctl cluster remove

Cluster Remove Command

To remove the cluster from NPM:

nctl clusters remove --cluster-name <cluster-name>

This deregisters the cluster from NPM and also removes the Kyverno Operator plus its related components along with policysets that were installed at the time of registering the cluster.

Command Options

Flags Shorthand Description
--cluster-id <string> the NPM cluster Id of cluster to be removed (Overrides name. Needed if cluster name is not unique)
--cluster-name <string> the NPM cluster Id of cluster to be removed Overrides name. Needed if cluster name is not unique)
--deregister-only only deresgisters cluster from npm, without removing Kyverno components
--force force remove cluster ignoring empty kube-system namespace uid checks
--help -h help for remove command
--namespace <string> -n namespace in which the operator is deployed (default “nirmata-system”)
--release <string> -r release name for the helm chart (default “kyverno-operator”)
--remove-operator-only remove only Kyverno operator from cluster, removes all components by default